We all live under the same sun, but at Broken Wings we are different - more lovable.
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Should you wish to make a monthly donation, please download our Debit Order form here.
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We would like to thank the following people and companies most sincerely for their contributions in order to assist us. All that you do, does not go unnoticed. THANK YOU!

For those people out there who have give donations anonymously - Thank you, you know who you are..... We do try and keep this list up to date, if we have missed anyone out - we are truly sorry.


Thanks to all our sponsors:

Amcare for our weekly bread, a bus driver when we need one and for the caregivers that help us to change nappies.

Lewenssentrum for giving us veggies, jumble and Christmas gifts.

Weekly donations from Woolies and thanks to Sheryl who fetch the stuff.

Skyjacks for servicing the lifts of the buses.

Chubb for servicing the fire extinguishers.

Triple M for keeping our telephone system in working order.

My School
Maxim Trading

To all the people that gave us money thank you.

The owner of the Spur in Lambton gives us three dates during the year. On these dates we get 10% of the bills.  Please support us.